Lorain County Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Volume 16 Issue 4 – December 10, 2015

President: Jean Ruth
Vice President: MaryAnn Grayson
Treasurer: Pam Scholle
Secretary: Chris Yoo
Community Service: Teri Whidden
Library: Joanne Palun, Vicky Morris & Janice Good
Hospitality: Karin Knox & Bobbie Bruck
Membership: Marilyn Novak & Karen Neuschaffer
Home of the Brave: Janet Alderman
Quilts of Valor: Kaye Koler
Sunshine Committee: Carole Doerr
Challenge Committee: Susan Thornton, Helen Smelser, Kelly Grace
Bits & Pieces Editor: Kelly Grace
Articles due by Saturday before meeting, Newsletter sent out Sunday before meeting.

Meetings:  2nd Thursday of month
Time:        7:00 PM
Location:  New Russia Township Lodge,
46300 Butternut Ridge Rd, Oberlin, 44074

Website: https://loraincountypiecemakers.wordpress.com
Guild email: loraincountypiecemakers@gmail.com


Potluck starts at 6:30 pm!!


Sue Schillig

No Report


Cheryl Majewski

Barb Spieker called the meeting to order at 7:00. There were three visitors, two of which joined the guild. Barb introduced our speaker for the evening, Joyce Ely, from JEllen’s House of Fabrics.

Pam Scholle presented our 2016 budget, after giving the treasurer’s report. Vicki Morris moved and Kelly Grace seconded that we accept the budget as presented. Motion carried. Teri Whidden moved, and Kelly seconded, that Pam write a check to herself for $10.00 to cover postage. Motion carried.

The new by­laws, which were attached to the newsletter, were discussed. Kelly Grace moved, and Lori Quinones seconded, that the by­laws be accepted as written. Motion carried.

The following members were nominated for office: Jean Ruth, President; Maryann Grayson, Vice ­President; Chris Yoo, Secretary; and Pam Scholle, treasurer. Sue Schillig moved that we accept this slate of officers. The motion was seconded and carried.

Barb Spieker had a bag of guild t­shirts that had not yet been claimed. Shirts can be ordered until Nov. 17.

Jean Ruth reported that the next youth sew will be Dec. 19, from 10:00 to 2:00 at Main Street Amherst.

Jan Alderman thanked everyone who worked on the Home of the Brave project today. They made eight kits which were passed out at the meeting.

Kaye Koler reported that three Quilts of Valor were sent to Cincinnati.

Kelly Grace said to go to the guild blog for challenge forms. The 50 States fat quarter exchange will take place at the pot luck in Dec. The first reveal for the Red and White challenge will also be in Dec.

Julie Bragg reported there was a Quilt Show Committee meeting before the guild meeting. The next meeting will be in Jan. and Feb. Baskets and donations to fill the baskets are needed.

Karen Neuschaefer said packets will be put together next month for members. These will include contact information for all members whose dues is paid by the Dec. meeting, by-

laws, and committees. Anyone who does not want their info in the packet needs to contact Karen.

December’s meeting is the pot luck and will begin at 6:30.

Lori Quinones moved and Pam Scholle seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.

Twelve people had show and tell.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Majewski

Quilts of Valor
Kaye Koler

Dear Lorain County Piecemakers members,

It can be very rewarding to make a quilt for a deserving veteran. You do not have to make all by yourself. Get together with a friend or two and enjoy some well spent time together….SEWING!

I very often get fabric donations that can be easily put into a quilt top. I try very hard to quilt all the tops I receive, but often time is a factor. So if you, or someone you know would enjoy volunteering their time as I do to quilt for Quilts of Valor, I would be most grateful!

If you have further questions please email me at: sewhappyquilting@gmail.com  or

The Ohio coordinator is Bonnie Davis her email is:  bonnie.davis@QOVF.org

Thank you so much!!


Kaye Koler

QoV Chair, Lorain County Piecemakers Quilt Guild


Janet Alderman

No Report

Teri Whidden

No Report

Sunshine Committee

No Report

Notes from the President

Dear fellow quilters,

First of all, I am honored to be president of a great guild.

Since this is my first letter as president I will do a summary of what is coming. The youth group hopes to have quilts for the fair and quilt show, hopes to do a bus trip to AQS in August 2016, enjoy fine food at the July and December meetings, and have wonderful programs throughout the year.

I would also like to thank my officers for their help this year.

See you on December 10 at 6:30 for (hopefully) a short meeting.

Happy Holidays!

Jean Ruth


LCP Handbook Draft – 2015

LCP Shirt Order Form

AQS Grand Rapids Trip Information 

Quilt of Valor Information Sheet


The challenge committee has come up with 13 possible challenges for 2016. Please take some time, look them over and vote on what you would like to participate in next year. You may vote for more than one, please select all the challenges you’d like to participate in! If you have any questions on them please contact Susan Thornton, Kelly Grace or Helen Smelser for more information. Please click the link here to access to poll. We have currently only had 5 people vote on challenges for 2016. Get your vote in, January we hope to announce challenges for the year!

The Red and White quilts are going to be an on-going challenge as we are going to have a section at the next quilt show of our quilts. Please think about participating in this challenge! First deadline/showing of the challenge quilts is our December potluck. The July potluck is the second deadline with possibly a third deadline of the September meeting. All quilts shown will be in the special “What’s Red and White and Quilted All Over?” exhibit in our 2016 quilt show.

Also at the December potluck we will have the Fifty States Fat Quarter Exchange – buy a fat quarter from another state, label it with the name of the state and those participating will choose fat quarters from a basket at the meeting.

Youth Corner

Jean Ruth

We plan to meet on December 19, 2015 at the Main Strert Building (Old Amherst Post Office) which is next to Amherst Hospital, starting at 10:00 a.m. till about 3:00 p.m. with brown bag lunch. The plan is to pick out fabric for quilts and pjs and decide about dates for coming year and projects. I have enjoyed working with the youth and their pride from their hard work and helping each other. I also want to thank the guild for all their help and donations of fabric and batting which helps a lot. Anyone who wants to help on any of the days are welcome, or if you just want see what they are doing, you are more than welcome. The youth take pride in their projects and the helpers and I take pride in what they have done and learned.

Blog Content Request
Kelly Grace

Looking for things to post on our blog. In January I posted about cutting with a die cutter. Is there something you’d like reviewed? Is there something you’d like to review? Please feel free to send me anything you’d like posted on the blog – reviews (books, notions, patterns), tutorials – either ones you’ve written or ones you’ve found online, etc. Remember this is our guild – you can contribute to the blog as well!